Blackbaud Training


Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4


Step 5


Step 6


Step 7


Step 8


Step 9


Step 10


Watch intro video to this page.


Watch the Raiser’s Edge NXT intro video below.


Watch the MANNA financial reporting video below.


Watch the video below and click the link to MANNA Blackbaud Problem/Question Form.

Blackbaud Problem/Question Form


Download, save, and read the Intro. to Raiser’s Edge NXT .pdf below.

Intro. to Raiser's Edge NXT


Watch video below regarding training through Blackbaud.

READ note below FIRST.


NOTE: Regarding the Training Videos

Raiser’s Edge has two different systems. A back office system (RE) that our accounting department uses, and this new interface that we use (RE NXT). Most of the videos that explain the inner workings of BB are done using screen shots of the back office system, so it will look different than the interface that we will be using. So, don’t be confused by the different look. The purpose of the videos is help you understand the different terms and basis for how the system functions.

Analogy: It’s kind of like driving a car. Most of us were taught to drive in a car that looked completely different than the car we would ultimately own. A Suburban looks a lot different than a Beetle, but the concepts of how the engine, transmission, and driving in general are the same, regardless of how the model of vehicle you drive looks from a body style standpoint.


Download, save, and read the MANNA’s Raiser’s Edge Training Checklist, see below.

RE Training Checklist


Download, save, and read Datasheet_Training_RENXT .pdf, see below.



Take the assigned classes from Blackbaud training. Refer to the checklist in Step 7 .


Blackbaud Resources

Short Articles about BB and Data Analytics

Blackbaud Institute

Watch supplemental videos that will be posted below.